
Ayurveda Guide for Vomiting During Pregnancy

Explore Ayurvedic remedies for vomiting during pregnancy for a healthier experience.

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Dr. Aswathi AT

At a Glance

Common Yet Challenging

Vomiting affects up to 85% of pregnant women, but can escalate into hyperemesis gravidarum, which requires medical intervention.

Understanding Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Severe vomiting with weight loss and dehydration needs medical treatment, unlike manageable morning sickness that resolves after the first trimester.

Differentiating Symptoms

Knowing the difference between morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum helps with timely treatment, preventing complications for mother and baby.

Ayurveda Approach

Ayurveda focuses on prevention through lifestyle changes, diet (Pathya ahara), and herbal remedies to manage vomiting and nausea during pregnancy.

Seek Help Early

Women with severe vomiting should consult healthcare providers promptly to avoid complications and ensure a healthier pregnancy.

In this article

  • Vomiting - A symptom vs complication
  • Morning sickness vs. Hyperemesis gravidarum
  • How Ayurveda Can Manage Vomiting During Pregnancy?
  • Ayurveda Perspective on Causes
  • How Can Ayurveda Manage Severe Cases?
  • Conclusion

Nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy, often referred to as morning sickness, are familiar experiences for many expectant mothers. These symptoms affect about 70-85% of pregnant women, manifesting as an unwelcome but typically manageable aspect of this life-changing journey. This blog will teach how Ayurveda can help manage these symptoms.

Vomiting - A symptom vs complication

Vomiting during pregnancy, often referred to as morning sickness or emesis gravidarum, is a familiar stage for many expectant mothers in their first trimester. It can feel like an unwelcome guest at the party you host, yet you are prepared to tolerate them. Most women experience at least a touch of this discomfort, but for some, it escalates into a more serious condition known as hyperemesis gravidarum.

This intense form of nausea can transform the joyful anticipation of pregnancy into a challenging one. It can affect your day-to-day activities and your social life and can bring serious health issues to you and your baby if not treated properly.

Ayurveda addresses vomiting as both a pertinent sign of pregnancy as well as a complication of the same. Diseases affecting pregnant women are advised to be treated with utmost care in Ayurveda.

पूर्णमिव तैलपात्रमसङ्क्षोभयताऽन्तर्वत्नी भवत्युपचर्या

Every health challenge a pregnant woman faces should be treated with precise care, ensuring the baby's health, too. So, a clear understanding of this matter is essential. Let us find out the differences between the two conditions. 

Morning sickness vs.  Hyperemesis gravidarum

The following table will give you a general idea of the key differences between the two conditions.

FeatureHyperemesis GravidarumMorning Sickness
PrevalenceAffects 0.5% to 2% of pregnanciesAffects 70% to 85% of pregnant women
Weight LossSignificant weight loss (>5% of pre-pregnancy weight)Minimal weight loss, if any
Nausea and Vomiting FrequencyFrequent, persistent vomiting may include bile or bloodOccasional vomiting; nausea is episodic
DehydrationSevere dehydration requiring IV fluidsRarely causes dehydration; manageable with hydration
Impact on Daily ActivitiesOften unable to work or care for selfAble to work and manage daily activities
Duration of SymptomsSymptoms can persist throughout pregnancyTypically resolves by the end of the first trimester
Emotional ImpactMay lead to anxiety and depression due to severityMild emotional discomfort; usually forgettable post-delivery
Treatment RequiredRequires medical treatment, often hospitalizationUsually managed with lifestyle changes and home remedies


You should be able to recognise the warning signs of hyperemesis gravidarum and consult your doctor as soon as possible. Many women may think that vomiting is normal during pregnancy and delay seeking medical help.

Whether it is pregnancy vomiting or hyperemesis gravidarum, ayurveda can extend its helping hands. Fortunately for Poornima, she sought medical help from us in time and was cured through our expert-led Ayurvedic treatment. Read on to find out how Ayurveda helped Poornima overcome her increased morning sickness,. 

How Ayurveda Can Manage Vomiting During Pregnancy?

Whether severe or not, vomiting during pregnancy is a discomfort. Ayurveda strongly emphasises prevention rather than cure. The Ayurveda principle of early intervention and prevention offers a reassuring path to managing hyperemesis gravidarum through simple lifestyle modifications and the adoption of Pathya ahara (wholesome foods) 

Ayurveda Perspective on Causes

Ayurveda identifies several factors contributing to morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum.

Apollo AyurVAID offers a comprehensive understanding of the physiological and emotional challenges faced during pregnancy, particularly the notorious morning sickness and more severe cases like hyperemesis gravidarum. Let's find out more about the Ayurveda perspective on these conditions and explore how a holistic and integrative approach can alleviate these discomforts.

Udvarta (Upward Vata Movement)

In Ayurveda, Vata dosha is associated with movement, air, and space. During pregnancy, the upward movement of vata can disrupt normal digestive functions. This disturbance can lead to nausea and vomiting as the body struggles to maintain balance. The increased levels of vata can also heighten sensitivity to stimuli, making what was once a tolerable scent or taste suddenly overwhelming.

To counteract this, it is essential to incorporate vata balancing practices into daily life. Consider warm, nourishing meals that are easy to digest, which can help stabilise vata.

Garbha Nimittha (Pressure from the Growing Embryo)

As the embryo grows, it creates physical pressure on the diaphragm and surrounding organs. This can lead to increased discomfort, particularly during the early trimesters. This aspect of pregnancy is a natural part of the journey; however, it can amplify feelings of nausea.

To help alleviate this pressure, gentle yoga stretches and breathing exercises can promote relaxation and enhance circulation, providing relief from physical tension. Additionally, maintaining an upright posture while sitting and resting can ease pressure on the diaphragm and support better digestion.

Dauhidra Avamaanuana (Unfulfilled Cravings and Emotional Stress)

Pregnancy is a time of emotional and physical transformation, which can lead to unfulfilled cravings or heightened emotional stress. These feelings may manifest as heightened symptoms of nausea. Unacknowledged emotional needs or stressors can create an imbalance, contributing to an uneasy mind and body.

Engaging in stress-reducing activities such as meditation, mindful breathing, or gentle walks in nature can be incredibly beneficial. Furthermore, nourishing the emotional body with supportive conversations, journaling, or even healthy small indulgences can help fulfil cravings and soothe the spirit.

Holistic Approaches for Relief

A tailored approach that includes a proper diet, lifestyle adjustments, and natural herbal remedies is essential to address these factors more effectively. Foods that balance vata, such as warm soups, stews, and whole grains, can provide nourishment without causing further digestive strife.

Herbal remedies like ginger, peppermint, and fennel are widely recognised for their soothing properties and can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine. But make sure you consult with an Ayurvedic physician before considering home remedies and any other diets.

Moreover, considering the timing of meals can make a significant difference. Smaller, more frequent meals can prevent an empty stomach, which often exacerbates feelings of nausea. Staying hydrated with warm or room-temperature fluids can also help to calm the digestive system.

How Can Ayurveda Manage Severe Cases?

Hyperemesis gravidarum can be effectively managed with Ayurveda. However, if it progresses to a severe level of dehydration, modern medical supervision may be necessary. Hospitals like Apollo AyurVaid offer an integrative approach that combines both Ayurveda and conventional medicine. The best part is that you can safely undergo Ayurvedic treatment alongside modern medical care if needed.

Ayurvedic medicinal preparations can effectively manage cases of hyperemesis gravidarum. When these medicines are combined with lifestyle modifications and dietary regulations, you can achieve better control over your condition.


By recognising and addressing the issues through Ayurvedic wisdom, expectant mothers can significantly improve their experience of morning sickness and promote a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy journey.

This holistic approach is not just about physical relief; it’s also about nurturing the mind and spirit during this transformative time. Explore this rich tradition and take empowered steps towards wellness—both for yourself and your growing baby.


What is the difference between morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum?

Morning sickness is mild to moderate nausea and vomiting that affects 70%- 85% of pregnant women and usually resolves by the end of the first trimester. Hyperemesis gravidarum, on the other hand, is a severe condition that leads to persistent vomiting and significant weight loss and can require medical treatment.

How can Ayurveda help with vomiting during pregnancy?

Ayurveda manages vomiting through a combination of lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and medicinal formulations, focusing on prevention and early intervention to minimize discomfort and promote overall well-being.

When should I seek medical help for vomiting during pregnancy?

If you experience frequent, severe vomiting, significant weight loss, or signs of dehydration, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider immediately to ensure both your health and that of your baby.