Does Revital CAL 500 have any side effects?
No, Revital CAL 500 is safe when consumed as directed
Should I check with my doctor before I use this product?
If there is a history of kidney disease, kidney stones (past or present), heart disease, parathyroid disorder, or is pregnant or breast-feeding, it is advisable to inform the treating physician before taking Revital Cal 500. Avoid taking Revital Cal 500 if there is a known allergy to the ingredients.
Also, avoid taking any other vitamin or mineral supplements that contain calcium or vitamin D without informing your doctor.
Can diabetics/heart patient take Revital CAL 500?
In diabetics, Revital Cal 500 can help in prevention of diabetic osteoporosis. However, informing the treating doctor about taking Revital Cal 500 is advisable.
In patients with heart disease, kindly take advise from the treating doctor before consuming Revital Cal 500.