The Zandu Khadiradi Gutika tablets are a unique Ayurvedic formulation that offers a host of therapeutic benefits. They employ a blend of herbal ingredients, working as an effective astringent, antiseptic, and expectorant remedy for various throat disorders. These tablets are particularly useful in case of dental, oral, throat, and tonsillar infections.
One of their key components is catechu which is renowned for its local treatment of otitis and otorrhoea. The flavonoid principles in these tablets bring about an anti-inflammatory effect, providing relief from sore throat, hoarseness, and cough. Apart from offering a mucolytic function, the tablets are also known to enhance voice quality and freshen breath.
- Ayurvedic formulation
- Comprised of unique herbal ingredients
- 100% vegetarian composition
- Developed for local treatment of throat disorders
- Safe to use