The QNT Massive Mass in Irish Chocolate flavour is a meticulously crafted fitness supplement designed for individuals aiming to achieve substantial gains in muscle mass. Formulated strategically, it goes beyond the conventional mass gainers by incorporating high-quality whey protein and essential amino acids, ensuring a superior approach to building muscle mass.
It has a strategic combination of carbohydrates, proteins, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), creatine, and L-glutamine. This blend not only aids in weight gain but also fuels workouts, enhancing endurance and performance.
With its smooth texture, this product also incorporates digestive enzymes to aid absorption and utilisation of nutrients. A potent source of 25g of whey protein per serving, it is a dominant weight and muscle gainer. Moreover, it's a rich source of BCAAs and offers a dynamic blend of creatine and L-glutamine for improved workout performance.
Massive Muscle Mass Gainer is quite worthy, looking at its benefits, supporting muscle repair, diverse amino acid profiles, enhanced endurance, and efficient nutrient absorption. It serves as a rich energy source for intense workouts and daily activities.
- Advanced muscle muscle gain whey protein formulation
- 25g of Whey Protein with 5.7g of BCAAs
- Contains creatine and L-glutamine
- 100% vegetarian