Dhootapapeshwar Loha Bhasma is known for its medicinal properties in aiding various health conditions. It's a renowned treatment for panduroga, a disorder related to blood cells and iron absorption. This traditional formulation has an excellent haematinic effect, acting as a booster for the quality, quantity and strength of 'rasaraktari dhatu', one of the key elements in Ayurvedic physiology. The intake of loha bhasma can be beneficial in alleviating symptoms of pandu such as fainting, palpitation and aganimandya.
Furthermore, it's also indicated for various other conditions like yakrut vikar, kamala, kushta and others. The careful blend of shuddha loha, shudha hingul, kumari swarasa and triphala kwath enhances its effectiveness. Therefore, Dhootapapeshwar Loha Bhasma is not just a remedy but a holistic approach to promoting overall wellness.
- Ayurvedic composition
- Traditional remedy for panduroga
- Contains haematinic properties
- Iron-rich formulation