The Dhootapapeshwar Gokshuradi Guggul is an Ayurvedic formulation specially developed to address urinary disorders. This product is enriched with the key ingredient, gokshur, a well-known herb in the traditional medicine world for its vatahar (anti-vata) properties. The tablets also exhibit mootrakrucchranashak (diuretic) qualities that contribute to their efficacy in urinary tract health.
Gokshuradi Guggul Tablets are designed to reduce pain and discomfort during urination through their kledanashak (drying) activity and shothahar (anti-inflammatory) activity. Not only do they target the urinary system specifically, but they also cater to conditions like Amavata, Mootrakrucchra, Mootraghata, Mootrashmari, Prameha, Vatavyadhi, Vatarakta, and Shukradosha. The inclusion of ingredients such as Shunthi, Maricha, Amalaki, and Musta further enhances their therapeutic properties. Offering potential relief in urinary health complaints, Dhootapapeshwar Gokshuradi Guggul tablets bring together the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda in a convenient form.
- Ayurvedic remedy for urinary disorders
- Exhibits vatahar (anti-vata) properties
- Shows mootrakrucchranashak (diuretic) traits
- Utilises kledanashak (drying) activity
- Demonstrates shothahar (anti-inflammatory) activity
- Indicated for multiple health conditions