The Baidyanath Shankha Pushpi Syrup, also known as Baidyanath Shankhpushpi, is an Ayurvedic tonic that's been crafted to bolster brain and nerve function across all age groups. Infused with potent ingredients like Shankhapushpi and Brahmi, Baidyanath Shankhpushpi Syrup offers a host of benefits. It's designed to enhance memory and concentration, increase learning abilities, and mitigate stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue. If you're struggling with issues like mental weakness, forgetfulness, poor concentration or insomnia, this syrup can be beneficial. Shankhapushpi in the syrup uplifts your brain power while Brahmi facilitates calmness and lowers cortisol levels. As the market leader in India for children and young adults in its category, it is renowned as a Medhya Rasayana (brain tonic) in Ayurveda. Not only does Shankhpushpi Syrup increase concentration and grasping power, but it also eases stress related to studies.
- For brain and nerve health
- Contains Shankhapushpi, Brahmi, and more
- Suitable for men and women, all age groups
- Packed in a 200 ml bottle
- Backed by the rich heritage of Baidyanath