The SBL Drops No.1 is a product formulated to tackle various hair and scalp problems that many of us grapple with. Excessive hair fall, dandruff, scalp irritation, hair splitting, and thinning of the hair can be quite distressing. These are issues that SBL Drops No.1 can help address. The drops ensure healthy hair growth by nourishing and strengthening the roots of your hair. They also rejuvenate the scalp and stimulate hair follicles, thus controlling dandruff and promoting hair growth. Furthermore, SBL Drops enhance the shine and volume of your hair and increase its density. They add bounce to your hair, prevent premature greying, and treat itching of the scalp. Lastly, they nourish your hair by improving scalp circulation, bringing back the lustre and vitality lost due to harsh environmental conditions or poor nutrition.
- Homoeopathic medicine
- GMP and ISO certified
- Formulated to address various hair concerns
- Contains Arnica montana for reducing dandruff and hairfall