- Not to be taken by mouth. For rectal administration only.
- The suppository doesn't have to liquefy completely to produce a laxative effect. Hence it is thrown out with the stools.
Question: In which conditions isHallens Glycerin Child Suppository recommended?
Answer: Hallens Glycerin Child Suppository is highly recommended for temporary constipation, acute and unexpected constipation, and sluggish bowel movement in children, which causes them to pass stool infrequently.
Question: What is constipation?
Answer: Constipationrefers to infrequent bowel movements in which the stools are often dry, painful and hard to pass. Symptoms include bloating, abdominal pain, and feeling as if the bowel movement is incomplete.
Question: How does Hallens Glycerin Child Suppository vary from oral medicines?
Answer: Hallens Glycerin Child Suppository is a superior option when compared to oral medicines as it is fast acting and safe.
Question: How long does Hallens Glycerin Child Suppository take to work?
Answer: Hallens Glycerin Child Suppository act immediately, resulting in complete evacuation within 15-30 minutes.