Skin problems create a great deal of impact on self-confidence as, most often, it is well evident on the exposed parts in the form of rashes, discolouration, scaling, etc. A natural formulation that is gentle yet offers comprehensive support can greatly influence the course of recovery. AVP Asoria Oil is an Ayurvedic proprietary formulation containing the herbal goodness of Madayantika, Nimba, Swetha Kutaja and Neelini processed in pure coconut oil. The authentically sourced ingredients are a part of many skin care formulations in Ayurveda and are renowned for their healing qualities. While Nimba helps relieve itching, Swetha Kutaja aids in the reduction of scaling of the skin surface, which is common in conditions like Psoriasis. Coconut oil in Asoria acts as a natural moisturiser and soothes the skin, contributing to reduced dryness. The oil is not meant for the body alone and can be applied on the scalp as well as it helps reduce itching due to Dandruff and other conditions. The herbal ingredient in the formulation supports skin repair and promotes the restoration of natural skin colour.