- It's advisable to follow the dosage as recommended by your healthcare provider.
- Pregnant women should consult their doctor before using this product.
- In case of any adverse reactions, stop usage and consult your healthcare provider immediately.
Q1. How long should I use Charak M2 tone syrup?
Ans. The duration of use may vary depending on individual needs and response to the syrup. Always consult your healthcare provider for specific guidance.
Q2. Can Charak pharma M2 tone syrup cause any side effects?
Ans. Generally, M2 tone syrup is well-tolerated when used as directed. However, if any adverse effects are experienced, it is recommended to consult your healthcare provider immediately.
Q3. Is it safe to use M2 tone syrup during pregnancy?
Ans. Although it's a herbal formulation, it's important to consult with your healthcare provider before using M2 tone syrup during pregnancy.
Q4. Can it help with fertility issues?
Ans. Yes, Charak M2 tone syrup contains Lodhra which helps improve fertility by restoring hormonal balance.
Q5. Can I take other medications while using Charak pharma M2 tone syrup?
Ans. It's essential to discuss with your healthcare provider about any other medications you are taking before starting M2 tone syrup to avoid interactions.
'I have been using the Charak M2 tone syrup for a couple of months now and it has greatly improved my menstrual cycle. I feel much healthier and stronger.' -Rekha Singh, Software Engineer, 38
'The Charak pharma M2 tone syrup has eased my period difficulties significantly. It's a great relief.' -Gayathri Nair, Yoga Instructor, 34
'M2 tone syrup has improved my overall health. I feel less stressed and more balanced since I started using it.' -Ananya Patil, Teacher, 40