Low back pain is a common problem gifted by today’s fast life. It is estimated that about 80% of people have low back pain at some time in their life. Professionals who sit for a long time in front of the computer and people who carry heavy weights are the most common sufferers. A good Lumbo Sacral support often gives relief in such cases. Elnova Lumbo Sacral Corset is a premium back belt that is a non-invasive, very safe method of obtaining improved spinal alignment. At the same time, it flattens the lumbar curve and stretches the lower back.
Elnova Surgical Lumbo Sacral Corset is the largest doctor-prescribed lumbo sacral corset in India. It is also the preferred choice of doctors in many other countries.
Elnova Surgical Lumbo Sacral Corset provides the patient with ideal lower-back support and immobilization on the one hand and excellent aesthetics and comfort on the other. Elnova assures total care and comfort during chronic low back pain.
Elnova Surgical Lumbo Sacral Corset is indicated in chronic low back pain, post-operation rehabilitation of the lumbo sacral region, osteoporotic pain of the lumbo sacral region and degenerative lumbar disc disease.